"Remember that great love and great achievements involve risk" - Dalai Lama
People often ask me how I could leave a successful, decade long career in engineering and management to embark on a risky venture to serve survivors of human trafficking through Apple Rose Beauty. To be honest, in my low moments of doubt the question fleetingly crosses my own mind.
The answer is always the same, though. I was and am "compelled by love". For me it has always been a question of "how could I not do everything I know how to do to help save even a few?"
From the moment my heart was broken for the cause of human trafficking in Thailand when I met Apple, a young woman trapped in human trafficking, and where I lived for a month, teaching survivors English, I knew I would spend the rest of my life serving them and fighting for them.
When I read this Huffington post article about Religious Sisters posing as prostitutes to rescue human trafficking victims from brothels it reminded me of the fact that true love requires risk. Love is an action word and once we are moved to love by our actions we risk hurt or failure. But we also risk success! We also risk seeing lives transformed by unconditional love! I am reminded of that Peter McWilliams quote:
"It is a risk to love. But what if it doesn't work out? Ah, but what if it does."
Yes. What if it does!
Click here to read the Huffington post article: Religious Sisters Pose As Prostitutes To Rescue Trafficking Victims From Brothels